ESSAY QUESTION: Azim Khan is India's first Muslim Prime Minister; is he an
Indian Barack Obama or will he turn out to be another Jinnah?
Winning essay was announced on 26th March by the chair of the judging panel, Ms Shereen Bhan, Executive Editor of CNBC-TV18. Video of the announcement.
Azim Khan's journey into politics
was borne out of a deep desire to make
a difference not just to his community
but the country. To start off,
he used his community to plan his rise
but slowly worked on expanding
his base. The culmination of this
journey was his selection as the
first Muslim Prime Minister of India.
Mohammed Ali Jinnah entered into
electoral politics from United
Provinces (currently Uttar Pradesh)
after studying law and being a
prominent member of the Indian National
Congress. Azim Khan too
entered politics from Uttar Pradesh
through a targeted philanthropy
campaign riding on his grandfather's
goodwill. Jinnah wanted to be the
spokesperson of the Muslim voice and
was mentored by Mohammed
Iqbal, the advocate of the idea of
Pakistan. Azim Khan too united the
Muslims under the auspices of the
Nawab. Even in terms of lifestyle,
Azim Khan was similar to Jinnah. He
married outside of his community,
had a suave and western outlook.
But the similarities with Jinnah end
here. Azim Khan made concerted
efforts to reach outside his vote bank
either through calculated
alliances or pan-India policies. Jinnah
initially sought Hindu-Muslim
unity but after the 1937 election
debacle became a vociferous
supporter of "Pakistan". Azim
Khan on the other hand, was willing to
sacrifice his post for a national unity
Barack Obama became the 44th and the
first black President of the
United States. The blacks like the
Muslims are a minority community in
the US. But Obama didn't let this stop
him from running for the top job or
hindering him in office. While Obama's
election exposed the deep
fissures and prejudices in the country,
Azim's selection as the PM was
hailed because the victory in the war
sealed all doubts of his secular
Despite the Republicans enjoying a
majority in the House, Obama was
able to push through some of his
electoral promises like the Health
Care Act, Debt Ceiling Act etc through
bi-partisan negotiations. Azim
Khan similarly was selected as PM after
negotiations with Karan Nehru
and headed a grand coalition. Obama and
Azim never let religion
interfere with their work and this can
be clearly seen in Obama's case
in the public denunciation of his
pastor Jeremiah Wright. Azim too
didn't handle the Ulemas and Maulanas
very differently. When Obama
ordered his special troops to execute
Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan, he
was aware of the risks of such a
mission and the international
reaction but he stuck to his guns.
Azim, as a defence minister
displayed the same conviction when he
sent his troops across
the border. The similarities don't end
here because both had to deal
with an aggressive posturing China.
Obama tried to push for market
reforms and monetary policy easing with
China whereas Azim in
partnership with Karan had to placate
them to prevent a full blown out
Despite beginning like Jinnah, Azim
Khan diverged and displayed great
character as "India's Obama",
a leader, a rare breed in India's current
political scenario.
a PM -
who 'prays' at the ALTAR of mother
India with Gandhi, Nehru and Azad being his leading lights..
who leads the armed forces to victory
on Pakistan and makes good on an old parliamentary resolution..
who stands up to the machinations of a
superpower and who does not yield grounds to an irresponsible adversary to the
who pragmatically deals with a friend
turned foe, endears himself to even the rightists..
who envisions a progressive, inclusive
strategy for the country's growth..
who does not shy away from 'standing
and fighting' while he delivers an extempore speech in the august house..
who refuses illogical alliances just to
stay in power..
- how can such a PM be a Jinnah?? is he
Barack Obama then??
he is PM Azim Khan - a nationalist,
which is how it will/should remain.
Azim Khan, India’s first Muslim Prime
Minister. A statement full of controversies. Mr. Khan, heading a shaky
coalition also needs to prove his mettle. The question that arises when we talk
about him is whether he is an Indian Barack Obama or will he turn out to be
another Jinnah? I say that he is an Indian Barack Obama and not another Jinnah
who not only divided our country but also initiated a bloodbath.
Jinnah was always against Hindustan and the
Congress. He never considered Hindustan his country and thus demanded another
nation for Muslims. While heading the Muslim League, Jinnah’s foremost demand
was a separate nation for the Muslims in form of Pakistan. He never deterred
away from this demand of his. He was not a secular leader as well as his leadership
was based on the fact that Hindus and Muslims are poles apart. He believed that
Hindus and Muslims cannot unite and become ONE. He was the mind behind the
thought of a country solely dedicated to Muslims.
Barack Obama on the other hand is the total opposite of what Jinnah was.
He is not only a secular leader but also a peace loving person. He ended the
war with Afghanistan and also asked for his military troops to retreat back.
Even in Iraq he ordered his troops to return back. He also won the Nobel Prize
for Peace. He is a person who respects every nation’s individuality and aims to
unite the world.
Azim Khan, the then Defense Minister of India in the Naidu Government proved
the world that he is first an INDIAN and then a Muslim. When he became the
leader of the country, he was backed by the whole nation on the fact that he
did not favour a Muslim nation. He is altogether an opposite of Jinnah because
Jinnah fought for a separate nation and Azim Khan fought the same nation to
save India from the clutches of terrorism. When the Shahi Imam, in a meeting
with Ulema said obscene words to him against his Hindu wife, Radha Khan, he got
enraged and warned the Imam of his limits. Even in his personal life he didn’t
ask his wife to convert into Islam instead became part of all the celebrations
whether it was Diwali or Holi. On the contrary he did not keep the fast of
Ramzan. He possesses the skills of a good leader that is unlike Jinnah not
biased to his religion. He proved his worth as a good leader when in the end he
brought the opposition into the government thus silencing his enemies. He won
thousands of hearts when he pushed Pakistan behind the Line-of-Control.
Azim Khan is indeed an Indian Barack Obama and definitely not another Jinnah.
The book revolves around 2
main central characters Azim Khan and his once best friend and now the deputy
PM Karan Nehru. There are mainly 4 political parties involved in the book that
are Congress (I), Congress (N), IVP & the BJP.
As per my opinion after
reading the book – I am taking the stand that Azim Khan is an Indian Barack
Obama & he would not turn out to be another Jinnah. There are 2-3
instances stated in the book which make me lead to the above conclusion. After
reading all the 2-3 instances written down under it be concluded that instead
of favouring his decisions towards the Muslim community of which he himself was
a part of – all the decisions taken by the Prime Minister Azim Khan were of
maturity and in the best interest and security of his motherland and country
India. He kept his country first in all his decisions and he did not allow his
religion/his community to come in between his decisions.
1st Instance:
Pages 104-105. In spite of the IVP party having secured a prominent section of
its electoral votes from the Ulema which consisted of the Muslim community when
Azim Khan was being asked by his close confidant Ajay to meet them in person
and discuss with them if they have any issues under Azim Khan’s leadership he
flatly refused stating that he had more important issues to handle which were
of much more importance. For him the issues that pertained to the
security & interest of his country were much more important than a small
cross section of the people that had constituted a large part of his vote bank.
2nd Instance:
Pages 373-381. In Tibet with the self immolation of the monks taking place, it
took a very sensitive turn and the entire pressure was on India as to how to
handle the pressure so that the situation was not blown out of proportion. Azim
Khan while he was giving the speech in the Parliament handled it very
effectively and because it involved the government of 2-3 countries instead of
blaming one particular community/religion/country for the incident he very
politely explained to all the members of the Parliament what steps were being
taken to avoid any further incidents. And at the same time after giving the due
respect to the Tibetan community and the Buddhism religion he explained to all
as to how it had its origin/beginnings in India and had now become a part of
the Indian Culture. Also he made it very clear that terrorism would not be
tolerated by India if it comes from across the cross border and it would be
retaliated if the security of the country is being hampered at the cost of loss
of innocent lives. By handling the situation in this manner he managed to
respect the integrity and respects of all the nations involved and at the same
time give a strong message to the other nations across the border that
terrorism would not be tolerated at any cost.
3rd Instance:
Pages 373-381. In the later part of the book when it looked that the
party of Azim Khan would fall from power and he would have to leave his post of
the Prime Minister of India, he took upon himself to address all the doubts
that were in the minds of his political counterparts in the Opposition party
and all others in the Parliament & he choose to do that by answering each
and every question that was personally asked to him by one and all. The only
reason why he did that was because he held the interests of his motherland
India first and his personal interests came later on. Even at the juncture of
losing his power, all he wanted was that the next person who takes charge from
him would accordingly take all decisions so that the integrity
and security of India is not hampered with.
From all the instances
stated above – it can be clearly concluded once again that the actions of Azim
Khan as an individual at the post of Prime Minister of India were being taken
by him were for the protection, security & the overall development of the
people and his country – India. This is similar to the characteristics that
are possessed by Mr Barack Obama – current president of USA. The
decisions taken by Mr Barack Obama – either spontaneously or after some thought
are for the protection, security & the overall development of the people
and his country – United States of America. And Azim Khan cannot turn out to be
other Jinnah because for Azim Khan his overall goal was the development of
people of India and economic prosperity and growth and not partition of India
into smaller and smaller parts.
Azim Khan’s comparison to Barack Obama
and Jinnah begins and ends with exceptional oratory skills and the “first”
prefix. Although both Obama and Khan are leaders of the modern world and
assumed leadership of countries in a pickle, their predicaments differ vastly,
which allows little synergy in varied policies adopted by them.
Azim Khan undoubtedly benefited
from the Muslim vote; however, he does not wear his Muslim identity on his
sleeve. He had no designs of either creating a separate state like Jinnah, nor
was he solely advancing minority interests. His vision was clearly that of a
secular and egalitarian state with a plain-speaking stance especially towards
Uncle Sam. What is heartening to note in the end is the fact that, both Nehru
and Khan overcome the toxicity and headiness of power and work towards the
betterment of the country in unison.
Azim Khan will neither be the Indian
Obama nor the Jinnah, for like the Zen saying - You can never step into the
same river twice. Obama though a first Black president, inherited America and
for a period of 4 years for sure and a maximum of 8 years, Azim Khan will have
to defend his position every day as the coalition politics will continue in
India. Obama inherited economic crisis, Azim gets a bit of that but a bigger
moral crisis, corruption crisis to deal with. Like everything else in India his
issues are diverse and exist in multitudes. Jinnah belonged to another era,
those times have gone and so has the creation of leaders like him.
To compare a fictional character to
either real life Obama or the historical perception of Jinnah is a rather silly
question and undermines what the character and the book is trying to do. For
me, Azim Khan's character is foremost an idea. A concept and a vision of what
can happen to this country, if a leader who has balls (or a vagina) enough to
take on all the issues this country faces head-on, without flinching. Azim is
ruthless in pursuing his ideas and his ideals, so much so that everything else
becomes secondary for him--pure honesty, friendship or love. Since he is the
protagonist of a world created by the author (who I might add seems to idolise
him at many levels), I read him as an idea that the country dreams of. In that
way, he's a representative of the subconscious of young India. I stuck to all
three books because this vision, this hope stayed with me throughout. Reading
Khan's character in the world Singh built was pure catharsis in that way. At no
point was I scared that his journey in the fictional world might lead to real
world destruction. It was like watching a Bollywood movie (sorry, KP!) where
this awesome hero kicks the butt of all the irritating goons and you go back to
the 'real' world, with a smile and pay a bribe to the traffic cop because you
parked illegally. Only here, Azim's character is kicking political butts. If he
was real, I might have been on the streets revolting against a lot of decisions
he took. I might have been scared at his highhandedness and the fact that he
hid his past from the citizens. But because he's fictional, I can sit back and
enjoy the awesome exchanges of dialogues and negotiations in the PM's office.
8. JAY
Azim Khan of the India Vikas Party
(IVP) creates history when he takes oath as the first Muslim Prime Minister in
India. In some ways this was an epoch making event similar to Barack Obama’s
swearing in as the 44th President
of the United States of America but the first African-American to make it to
the list.
KP Singh through his trilogy has made
enough references indicating Azim’s secular and cosmopolitan credentials
including his unflinching contempt of Muslim radicals and mullahs after his appointment as Prime Minister, his
marriage with a Hindu woman and importantly, his war with Pakistan in national
interest and hardline stance in the peace process clearly indicates his
nationalist credentials and his indifference for parochial politics based on
caste, religion or class.
All these decisions clearly indicate that Azim Khan disapproved of the
two-nation theory and communal policy that Jinnah stood for[1] and can definitely be described as a truly liberal
and secular leader of modern India. Just like Obama, Azim tries to be a
global leader of stature rising above petty politics, differences and bigotry
and giving national interest and economic development paramount importance as
the resident of Teen Murti Bhavan.